Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Potato & Thyme Invisible Cake 马铃薯麝香草隐形蛋糕

第蛋糕看上去平平无奇,但我却被它的名称吸引了 - 隐形蛋糕 (Invisible Cake). 明明就看见啊,怎么说是隐形呢?了解了才明白为何它是隐形。原来这蛋糕90%的材料是蔬果,只有10%是面糊,烤出来的蛋糕几乎看不见面糊,所以被称它为隐形蛋糕。。eemmm....有意思。。



Potato 马铃薯 - 750g
Sweet Thyme 麝香草 - 依照自己的口味随意放
Egg 蛋 - 2 nos.
Milk 牛奶 - 100g
Olive Oil 橄榄油 - 1 Tbsp
Low Protein Flour 低筋面粉 - 70g
Baking Powder 发粉 - 11g
Salt & Black Pepper 盐和黑胡椒粉 - 随意  
Shredded Cheddar Cheese and Mozzarella Cheese as topping 

1. Thinly slice the potatoes.
2. Cream egg until light and pale.  Mix in olive oil and milk,  
3. Fold in sifted flour and baking powder.  
4. Season with salt and pepper.
5. Stir in thyme.  (I add in two chili padi to give extra kick...:))
6. Pour in all the potato slices.  Make sure all slices covered with batter.
7. Pour mixture (6) into a prepared cake tin. (I used loose bottom tin lined with aluminum foil for easy removal later).
8. Sprinkle with shredded cheddar and mozzarella cheese.
9. Bake at 200C for about 40-45 minutes.  Surface must be golden brown.

1. 把马铃薯削成薄片。
2. 把蛋打发至白后加入橄榄油和牛奶拌匀。
3. 加入已一起过筛了的面粉和发粉。
4. 用盐和胡椒粉调味。
5. 把马铃薯片倒入面糊里拌匀。
6. 加入麝香草。(我也加入一些小辣椒调味)
7. 把(6)倒入蛋糕模里。 (我用松底和铺上锡纸的蛋糕模以便容易脱模)
8. 洒下芝士。
9. 以200C烤约40-45分钟至金黄即可。






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