Monday, June 24, 2019

Vegan Orange Marble Cake 纯蔬香橙云石蛋糕

多年以前,我第一次学做蛋糕第一个蛋糕,就是磅蛋糕,也既是我们说的牛油蛋糕。所谓的磅蛋糕,就是用一磅面粉,一磅牛油,一磅鸡蛋和一磅的糖制作的蛋糕。可是如果照这个比例,蛋糕会很甜很甜 (我这个东方人真的不能接受), 可它会很松软,而且耐放。


食谱:(模子:8"x3"x3",lined with baking paper 铺上烘焙纸)
Dry Ingredients 干材料:
(A) All Purpose Flour 普通面粉 - 310g (我用Bob's Red Mill Pastry Flour)
      Corn Flour 玉米粉 - 35g
      Baking Powder 发粉 - 12g

Wet Ingredients 湿材料:
(B) Unsweetened Soy Milk 无糖豆浆 - 190g
       Fresh Orange Juice 鲜榨橙汁 - 110g (2粒橙)
       Orange Rind 橙皮 - 2粒橙
       Sunflower Oil 葵花子油 - 150g 
       Raw Cane Sugar 原蔗糖 - 100g - 120g (我放110g)
       Salt 盐 - 适量

Chocolate Cake 巧克力蛋糕
(C) Cocoa Powder 可可粉 - 15g
      Hot Water 热水 (or soy milk) - 50g

1. Sieve ingredient (A). 把(A)材料一起过筛。
2. Mix all ingredient (B), whisk to emulsify. 
    把所有材料(B)混合,搅拌至乳化 (水和油充分混合)。
3. Gradually mix in sifted ingredient (A).  
4. Divide batter (3) into two portions.  Mix one portion with 
    ingredient (C). And now you have 1 portion of orange batter and 
    1 portion of chocolate batter.
   把面糊(3)分成两份。一份加入材料(C). 您现在将会有两份面
   糊 - 香橙和巧克力。
5. Drop a large spoonful of orange batter into paper lined cake tin. 
    Top with a spoonful of chocolate batter.  Alternate spoonfuls on 
    top of each other.  Give the cake tin a shake to level it all out. 
    Repeat the same until all the batter is used.
6. Bake at 180C for about 50 minutes or until done.  
7. Remove the from oven.  Keep the cake on wire rack for about 
    10-15 minutes. Remove the cake from cake tin.  Let cool 
    completely on wire rack.

*you may divide the batter into 2 equal portions to make equal portion of orange batter and chocolate batter.  I prefer to have more orangy batter, this is my proportion - Orange batter - 500g, chocolate batter - remaining of the batter. 我喜欢比较多橙色的面糊。我的面糊比例是 橙面糊 500g, 剩下的就是巧克力面糊。


Unknown said...

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Maria C said...

This recipe sounds delicious and I love that it's adaptable.