Friday, May 27, 2016

Molten Lava Cheese Tart 流心芝士挞

最近流行的流心芝士挞,听说需要排很长的队才可买到。我没福气有时间去排队,只好自己做。其实这也真是一个蛮容易做的甜点。挞皮,芝士浆,烤至半熟就可以了。味道的浓郁度就看自己选了怎么样的芝士。我用了cream cheese 和 mascarpone cheese, 味道比较清淡。喜欢浓郁口味的就只用cream cheese就好。

牛油 - 230g
砂糖 - 30g
糖粉 - 30g
普通面粉 - 360g
蛋 - 2粒

1. 牛油和砂糖,糖粉一起稍微打发,分次加入蛋液。拌入粉搓成团。

 2. 把面团放在两片塑胶片依照个人喜欢的厚度扞成片状。放入冰箱里一小时。

3. 用模型切出圆形压进挞模里。 

 4. 用叉刺洞洞。

5. 以160C烤约15分钟,转去150C继续烤约10分钟至熟透。关炉让挞皮继续在炉里焖一焖。(温度时间只供参考,小心不要把挞皮烤焦)

奶油芝士 (cream cheese)- 150g
意大利芝士 (mascarpone Cheese) - 125g
砂糖 - 40-45g
奶制鲜奶油 (dairy whipping cream) - 120g
牛奶 - 20g
玉米粉 - 20g
蛋白 - 1 粒
蛋黄 - 1 粒 (涂面用)

1. 把牛奶和玉米粉混合搅拌均匀。
2. 把两种芝士放在锅里用慢火煮溶。
3. 加入糖,鲜奶油和蛋白拌匀。
4. 最后加入(1)煮至稍微浓稠即可。(需不停的搅拌)
5. 把芝士糊放入挤花袋里。

6. 把芝士糊挤进挞模里,冷藏1小时。考时涂上薄薄一层蛋黄 (我忘了,考出来的挞白白)

7. 先烤两粒,试试火候。芝士挞出炉,准备开动。 

8. 烤多了一分钟,芝士不流出来。还是半熟状态。

9. 好吃。。40g的糖稍微淡了一点,改次要放45g.


Butter - 230g
Castor Sugar - 30g
Icing Sugar - 30g
Plain Flour - 360g
Egg - 2 no.

1. Lightly cream butter, castor sugar and icing sugar.  Gradually mix in eggs. 
2.  Fold in flour, use cut and press method to make the dough.
3.  Place the dough in between two plastic sheets. Roll to thin sheets.
4.  Chill for 1 hour.
5.  Cut into small round sheet with cookie cutter.
6.  Place the round pastry sheet on tart mould, press into it.
7.  Bake the pastry at 160C for about 15 minutes, reduce the temperature to 150C, continue baking for another 10 minutes.  Off the oven, let the pastry in the oven for another 10 minutes. (temperature and baking time for reference only)

Cheese Filling:
Cream Cheese - 150g
Mascarpone Cheese - 125g
Sugar - 40 - 45g
Dairy Whipping Cream - 120g
Milk - 20g
Corn Flour - 20g
Egg White - 1 no.
Egg Yolk - 1 no. (for brushing)

1. Mix milk and corn flour.
2. Melt cream cheese and mascarpone cheese over low heat.
3. Add in sugar, whipping cream and egg white, combine evenly.
4. Gradually stir in mixture (1).  Continue to cook until a bit thickening.  Whisk constantly.
5. Spoon the cheese filling into piping bag. 
6. Pipe the filling onto tart shells.  Chill for one hour.
7.  Bake at 180C for about 8-10 minutes.  Serve warm.

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