For Baby Adam's Fullmoon Party, cupcakes in individual packing

Full moon gift pack for baby Adam

Full moon gift pack for baby Jing Jie. Combination of normal & mini cupcakes. Box with red ribbon.

Flower, duck, bottle & shirt taken, anyone interested in the remaining 2 designs??

For Shaynne's Full Moon

Full Moon Gift Pack & Minis for Dylan's Full Moon

For baby girl Shuyi's full moon. Special request from her parents, "no coloring". So I made these simple & elegant cupcakes. Vanilla butter cream top with love shape chocolate.

For a beautiful baby girl Melissa's full moon

For Joey's full moon. Mama June requested pink for her first little girl.
For little boy Ken's full moon.

1 – 200 of 209 Newer› Newest»wah..i really like the decos on these cupcakes wor :)
melinda...whr did u get the daisy cutter?
thanks melinda
Sue, do you have the address?
melinda..i have the add but i duno how to go there, but if i want i can tumpang nancy jie to buy for me LOL ...we're waiting for yr reply on the baking class :)
Sue..huh?which baking class are you talking about? Swiss Roll?
melinda...yes,swiss roll and cream puff...i didnt get your reply ler,not sure nancy got yr reply anot, today i couldnt logon to ym,duno y la :(
hi there...
i sent an email to inquire on yours cupcakes for an ocassion. await your reply soon!
Hi Anonymous,
I just reply the email, thanks.
melinda...your new creations, baby daniel cupcakes,very cantik... :)
melinda, i still prefer others color for the fullmoon box like pink, red or with some cute printed pics. If u hv other options for the box, can u post it in your website. Thx.
so sorry Ves, I can only get white or normal pink floral boxes only temporary.
Hi Ves, I can get plain silver color boxes also.
Here comes the taker for your new design of fullmoon set... Ves
Melinda, I agree with Ves. Especially Chinese red/pink is important color to them especially during full moon. Maybe you can think about that idea.
Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for the feedback. Hopefully more boxes designs will be available soon...:-)
The incredible Cupcake. I love, I hope you learn done Cupcake similar to yours. Not English, is a translation Automaster. Greetings
Dear Melinda,
You have done a good job..It's amazing!! I really love those designs..Thanks =)
nice one. how much per box?
Hi Elva,
Can you give me your email address? I send you the complete price list...Melinda
pls send me the price list to miekeeshop4u@hotmail.com thanks
hi Melinda, i'm gonna celebrate my baby gal fullmoon party in Jan 09. Like your cupcake very much....could you send me the price list and more gift set pic. thx
I am going to celebrate my son's full moon next week. Pls send your package sets & price list to e_maket@yahoo.com . Thanks
Hi there, may I have the price list and cupcakes package (designs, sizes of cupcakes, etc) from you? I'm thinking of the fullmoon gift idea for my coming new born girl. My email is joanhaan@hotmail.com. Thanks ;)
Hi Melinda, can you please send me the price list. My address is yiingshihchong@hotmail.com
Hi, can you forward the price list of the full moon pack for my baby girl to yoenwl@yahoo.com. Thanks.
Good day Melinda! Kindly send me the price list of the full moon pack to lauceline@yahoo.com.
Thanks alot!
Hello, can you send me your price list to yjtan@pd.jaring.my? Thanks.
hi there, could you pls send me the price list of the fullmoon pack 2 emily@tmall2u.com. Thx!
hi melinda, i have just sent you an email.. appreciate your reply asap... thanks.
Hey ya, may I have the price list and cupcakes package details(designs, sizes of cupcakes, etc)to hilarychan0306@yahoo.com. Thank you very much.
Hi, may I have the price list and cupcakes package details, pls send to boonlee_yang@yahoo.com. tks.
hi, may i have some detail about the full moon package?
the price, what include in the package, any delivery charge n so on..
pls send it to my email below, if it is cant reply here, thanks!!
Hi, may I have the price list and cupcakes package details, pls send to ellie232@yahoo.com. tks.
Hi, may I hv the price list cof the full moon package? KIndly send to my email : man_yeec@yahoo.co.uk
Thank you.
hi, may i have the price list and the full moon cupcakes package details? please send to shalmay2u@gmail.com tq
Hi... the cupcakes are so lovely!
Appreciate if u could furnish me the full price list of your fullmoon pack together with the terms & conditions for ordering to my email; tw251204@yahoo.com.tw.
Thx yah...
apple kitchen,where is your shop?the cupcakes are pretty good.are u making birthday cake?if i am staying far away from your shop,how will i get cakes or somrthing tat i have odered?i am belle.
Hi.. May I hv the complete price list of the fullmoon package? Kindly send to my email : cpkero@hotmail.com
Thanks a lot.
Hi Belle,
I don't make birthday cake. How about birthday cupcakes? Order to be collect from Pandan Indah.
Hi there, I have emailed the price list to you email address.
Hi Apple kitchen,
Could u pls send me the price list of fullmoon gift packs? my email: gingy2008@yahoo.com
Hi, May I have the price list for your full moon package.
my email foongsa@gmail.com
Hi there, please email me the full moon cupcakes gift pack price list. Thanks.
Email: weequeen.lim@symphony.com.my
Hi.. love your cupcakes... may I have the price list for the fullmoon package?
My email: theresa.tan.88@gmail.com
Good day Melinda! I like your cupcakes very much, please kindly send me the price list of the full moon gift pack to qqkok@yahoo.com.
Thanks a lot!
Hi there, please email me the full moon cupcakes gift pack price list. Thanks.
Hi, already email to your email address.
Good day! I'm staying in Rawang and like your cupcakes very much, please kindly send me the price list of the full moon gift pack to hngka88@gmail.com
Thanks :)
Hi There!
Kindly email me the price list for your full moon cupcakes gift pack.
email: choo1981@yahoo.co.uk
Pls send me the price list for fullmoon cupcakes. Thanks!
Hello. Pls email me the price list for your full moon cupcakes gift pack.
ThankQ. (platingirl(a)gmail.com)
I am going to celebrate my nephew's full moon. Pls send me your package sets & price list to blueberry_1218@yahoo.com . Thanks
hai there, the cup cake look nice... i will celeb my 2nd son full moon probably on feb... can u send me your package and price list plz, my email add sumisjw@yahoo.com
and do you have class for d cup cake, may i hav the price list for the course? thanx
i'm celebrating my daughter's full moon next week. can i have your quotation please. thank you.
do you make cakes in size of 1-2 kgs with similar deco like on cupcakes ??
my e-mail add is wzhiqin@yahoo.com
I am celebrating my baby's full moon next week and i interested on your full moon packages, could you please email me the full moon packages price list to miriam_yong@hotmail.com.
Thanks a lot !!
Hello Apple Kitchen,
Could you please e-mail to me the price list for the fullmoon cupcakes:- jowee8998@yahoo.com.sg
Hi Apple Kitchen,
Could you please e-mail to me the price list for the fullmoon cupcakes: su_huay@yahoo.com
Hi, would like to check the price for fullmoon cupcakes too. Do you have package like 2 cup cakes per box with ang kueh and eggs? Nevertheless, appreciate if you can send the price list for fullmoon to nicholaslim@gmail.com. Thanks.
Hi, am interested in ur fullmoon cupcakes, will be celebrating my boy's full moon in 2 weeks times, appreciate if you could send me the price list for the fullmoon gift pack, to lfwoon@yahoo.com
BTW, are u from Pandan Indah? Do you have a shop?
Thanks, Jess.
hi..im interested in ur full moon cakes...could u send me d price list with details? i wil b celebrating my bb full in 2wks time...my email is soohcheng81@yahoo.com..thx
hello there.
pls send me the price list for your cupcakes package gifts?
you can email them to
Hi Melinda,
Please send your full moon price list to puisia@hotmail.com. Thanks.
Hello Melinda,
please send me the fullmoon price list to maychua82@hotmail.com
hi, i would appreciate if you can email your price list and fullmoon package details to me at viviennelfk@hotmail.com TQ!
Hi, please provide full price list including fullmoon packages to tantln63@gmail.com TQ.
I still have not receive info and my event is approaching near. Please revert asap. Tks.
I have just sent the price list to tantln63@gmail.com.
Your cupcakes is soooOooo great! Could you please provide me the full price list including fullmoon packages? Tq.
My email: juli1202@hotmail.com
hi..im interested in ur full moon cakes.can u Pls email me the price list for your full moon cupcakes gift pack. TQ
Hi Melinda,
I'm interested in your full moon cakes.. can u email me your price list for your gift pack?
Hi, my son would be having his 1st month old birthday by end of April. Would like to check the price for fullmoon cupcakes. Do you have package like 2 cup cakes per box with ang kueh and 2 eggs? l.szepeng@gmail.com. Thanks.
hi fullmonth,
i have emailed the price list to you, check it out...melinda
Hi, please provide price details and order procedure. This is for fullmoon.
my email: joycetlp@hotmail.com
Can I please have the price list for the full moon package?
My email address is ychoii7@hotmail.com.
Hi! Can I have the price list for the full moon package and what is the procedure to place an order?
My email add: wtsoo19@gmail.com
Thank you!
pls send me fullmoon set and price list,tq
Hi Stephanie, Can you provide your email address?...melinda
I would like to get the full price list for the full moon pack.
Please email michelle.cheam@gmail.com
Hi...i love the cup cakes. My son will be one month old in June. Can you please email me more details on the package, price and ordering conditions? Please email me at:
Thank you,
hi...Could u please email the full moon gift package and the price list to me, thank you!
email add is: jenshum_spj@hotmail.com
I love the cup cake designs.. they are really beautiful. Could you please e mail me the full moon gift package price list please? . My e-mail address is angiewxgyn@yahoo.com
Thank you
Hi there, could you please email me your price list to kennlau@gmail.com?
hi..pls send pricelist (especially fullmoon series), plus delivery time (to PJ Malaysia) to garfield_jlchong@yahoo.com. thanks. JLChong (12/6/2010)
hi...pls send pricelist for fullmoon set to annie@freescale.com
thanks =)
hi, pls send pricelist for fullmoon set to jesslynksl@yahoo.com as soon as possible
Hi there! I sent you an Email requesting for a quote for my daughter's full moon scheduled end July 2010. Awaiting your reply.
Hi, can u pls send the fullmoon packages & price list to my e-mail at viviencsm@hotmail.com. Thanks.
Hi,could you please send me details on fullmoon packages, price list, delivery time, etc. to seokmun@gmail.com.
Many Thanks!
Hi there, could you please email me your full moon gift packages and price list to hongkheng@gmail.com. Many thanks.
Hi, can you email me the complete price list and etc? My email is libramw@yahoo.com
Thank you.
i love ur cupcakes very much.is the cupcake suitable for vegetarian? because i have some friends they are vegetarian. thank you
Hi Hermikelim, cupcakes contains eggs, think they are not suitable for vegetarian..:(
hi apple kitchen,if some of them eat eggs,so how about the cute top (fondant) is there suitable for vegetarian? can i have the price list? thank you very much.
Hi Hermikelim, can vegetarian take gelatin? If no, then the cupcakes are not suitable for them. How about cupcakes with buttercream? Can i send the price list via email? Can i have your email address?
Hi there..pls send the complete price list (for fullmoon). My email address is winnie03@gmail.com
Thank you.
Hi Melinda, pls send the fullmoon packages with pricelist to my email: suannphan@yahoo.com
Hi Melinda, Please drop me the price list for the fullmoon packages. They're lovely!
Hi Melind, could you please email me your Fullmoon cupcakes price list to me. ~ rena18lai@hotmail.com ~ TQ VM
hello....i just left u an email
pls check and get back to me asap...thanks
hi...can you pls email me the fullmoon cupcakes pricing list to me? my bb fullmoon in Dec. my email add is sharronleow@gmail.com
Thank you.
Hi, I love your cupcakes. My baby girl's fullmoon will fall on next week. Can you email me your price list and packages you have? Do you provide delivery service? Hope to hear from you soon.
Vinney (vinneycwf@yahoo.com)
Hi, I love your cupcakes. My baby girl's fullmoon will fall on next week. Can you email me your price list and packages you have? Do you provide delivery service? Hope to hear from you soon.
Vinney (vinneycwf@yahoo.com)
Hi, Can i had full moon package?
my email address shiaoshee@hotmail.com
can i have your fullmoon package price lists,i m from wilayah perseketuan,
Hi Chang, can i have your email address?
hi, my son's fullmoon will be 5th Dec, pls send me your full list and price for fullmoon. Thank you.Email: kheils@hotmail.com
Hi,my baby's full moon will be on next Sunday.. Can u please e-mail me the price list... Pls oso let me know if u provide delivery service... My e-mail address is shoosiang@gmail.com
Hi, my baby girl's full moon will be on 10 Dec 2010. I just need 7 sets of gift packs for my friends. My choices would be the
1) Full Moon Gift Pack with 4 cupcakes, 2 angkus and 2 eggs(5 sets)
2) Full Moon Gift Pack with 6 cupcakes, 2 angkus and 2 eggs (2 sets)
May I know what is the price for the above orders? Please let me know the details and send the email to me at helenlow@hotmail.com. I will further discuss with you for my need if I have any. Thanks.
Hi,can u pls email me the fullmoon package and price list at scteo820@yahoo.com? My baby fullmoon is next week. Thks.
Hi, I am interested in ur fullmoon cupcakes. Would appreciate if you could send me the price list for the fullmoon gift pack tht includes 2 cupcakes/2 ang ku/2 eggs to bebetearz@yahoo.com Do you have a shop? Pls let me know how to go about to collect and make payment. Thanks
Hi, I am interested in fullmoon cupcakes. Appreciate you could send me the price list for the gift pack to cswei18@gmail.com. Thanks.
Hi,my baby's full moon will be on next Sunday. Please email the price list to me. My email address is chiauchin@yahoo.com. Thanks
hi there, could you pls send me the price list of the fullmoon pack to florence@unitrack.com.my & fgph799@yahoo.com. Thx!
Hi, i'm Jeannie. My baby's full moon will be on coming 27th March. Could u please email the price list to me. My email address is jeanniecyh@yahoo.com. Thanks!!
Hi I'm han, could u please email me the price list to me at ng_han82@hotmail.com. Thanks a lot.
Hi I m Ching Yee. My email address is chingyee_soo@yahoo.co.uk. I m interested in the full moon gift sets of cupcakes+red eggs+ang koo. Appreciate if you can email me the price list. Thanks
Hi there,
May I have the price list and cupcakes package (designs, sizes of cupcakes, etc) from you? I'm thinking of the fullmoon next saturday for my new born girl. My email is peggyng06@yahoo.com. Thanks ;)
Hi, please email me the price list for fullmoon gift set. My baby boy fullmoon on 19 April. My email csl_adi@yahoo.co.uk. Thx!
Hi, kindly email me the price list for fullmoon package. My baby boy fullmoon on 5th May. My email is joan100683@yahoo.com
Hello, my baby boy fullmoon is another 10 days. Could you email me your price list of your fullmoon package? Including delivery service? My email address is jessimeutia@yahoo.com. Thanks & regards, Jessica.
Hi Apple Kitchen,
I am interested in your fullmoon cupcake....
Do you have delivery in Penang Butterworth?
Please advise.
Hi, I'm interest on the full moon package. Can u email me the package & price list at jennygil7983@gmail.com
My baby girl's full moon is on the 29 April 2011, could you please email the price list and available packages to tanbelinda@gmail.com.
thank you
hi, can you please email me your price list and fullmoon package details to me at ns1326@live.com TQ!
Hi, I am interested in your full moon package. Could you please e-mail the price list to belinda@hlk.com.my and also attach pictures of your gift boxes? TQVM!
Hi, could u pls email the price list to beeling01@yahoo.com for those lovely cupcakes ? I'm looking at the individual packing one .. Thanks!!
pls email me your price list as my bb full moon will be in mid may'11.
Please send your price list and contact to
hi, please e-mail me ur fullmoon package to me : selinalyp@yahoo.com
Hi, could u please email me the price list to me at siowhuei_choo@yahoo.com. Thanks a lot.
Hi, can you pls provide price list, pkg type (if any) and ordering process and timeline for full moon? Thanks. Pls send to angeline_mm@hotmail.com
Hi, can you please send me fullmoon package price list to proudtoown@gmail.com? Thank you.
Hi,can u please send me the fullmoon package price (with pictures, if any)to my e-mail add aw_eve@yahoo.com
How many days notice do u require?
Hi, can you please send me fullmoon package price list to amyshyuan@hotmail.com?
Thank you.
can u send me the price for 4pcs cup cake,ang ku and egg fullmoon set. jilei83@hotmail.com
The cupcakes are so lovely!:)
Appreciate if u could furnish me the full price list of your fullmoon pack together with the terms & conditions for ordering to my email: chyejoo_lee@yahoo.com
Hi, can you please send me the price list for the full moon package & the delivery charges to my email address hoshaumooi@yahoo.com.
Can I have the full moon package price list? My email add is my_rach@yahoo.com.
Thank you,
Hi, I would like to hv a price list for full moon packages. Pls mail to wcyuenn@gmail.com. thanks
Appreciate if you could send me the Price list for Full moon packages. You may Email me Celainel@gmail.com. Thanks
Appreciate if u could furnish me the full price list of your fullmoon pack together with the terms & conditions for ordering to my email: i_kahhoe@hotmail.com
Thanks :)
Pls provide me your full moon packages price list and the T&C to my email:-
Hi, can you send me the price of full moon party pack and gift to my email at kinnixeq@hotmail.com
Please send me the price list of full moon packages and terms and conditions to my email:
Please send me the price list of full moon packages and terms and conditions to my email:
Lee Fong
Hi, i like your cup cakes design, could you send me the full moon package price list and more gift set pic, pls.. soniapangsy@gmail.com
Thank you :)
11"x11" white window box-fits 16x m size cupcakes
11.5"x7" silver window box- 4 cupcakes + 2 red eggs + 2 angkus
10.5"x10.5" silver window box - fits 16x s size cupcakes
baby girl box (bbog)- fits 2 cupcakes (individually pack) + 2 red eggs + 2 angkus
cant i have the price list?
Can I have the price list for the full moon packages? Pls send the info to my email at gracechoyps@gmail.com.
hi, your cakes are so cute and interesting. i would like to have complete price list of your products. please send to my email at jimcys@yahoo.com
Hi could u email price list to yvonneyag@yahoo.com. Thanks
Can I have the price list for the full moon packages? Pls send the info to my email at missymomoko@yahoo.com
Please send me the price list of full moon packages for cupcakes and terms and conditions to my email:
Can you please send me the price list for your cake pops? Am thinking of ordering it for my son's upcoming birthday in 3 weeks time. Thank you.
Email: yly_soh@hotmail.com
Hi ,
Can you send the fullmoon package list to tss25@hotmail.com . TQ !
Please send me the fullmonth package list to josephhew.sch@gmail.com
Pls email me it fullmoon package. joyce_ph_tan@hotmail.com tq
Hi, please send me the fullmoon package price list to h_Wah@yahoo.com .thanks
I'm interested to know your fullmoon package price list.
Kindly email me at aijouu@gmail.com
Hi! Can send me your full moon package price list? Also I would like to see sample of the packaging. Pls email to jacquelinetee@hotmail.com
Hi, can you send me the full moon package price list to pj_sim@yahoo.com? Thanks.
hey can you pls send the fullmoon package price to me.. is intrest. how long i need to take order before? have delivery or not ? pls send to yin_yin292001@yahoo.com
Hey, please send me a price list for fullmoon package and also the box and packing price list to my email: quuen84@gmail.com.
Do you have delivery?
Thank you.
Hi, i have interest on your full moon gift pack. Can you pls email me your full moon package price list?
please email to alice_kho@hotmail.com and how many day i hv take order for the full moon day?
thanks & regards,
Hey, can u email me full moon package price list to my email chooiting@gmail.com and how many day I have to take order for the full moon day?
Chooi Ting
Pls send me the full moon gift pack price list. sheuying@yahoo.com
Hi Melinda,
Good day to you. Just browsed through your Fullmoon Blog and is awesome. Would you be able to share with me the price list? Delivery included?
Thanks :-)
Warm regards,
Mona Wong
E: monawongmc@gmail.com
I'm interested to order the cupcakes + 2 angkus + 2 red eggs package for my son's full moon on 26.12.12, could you please email me the price list and advise on the delivery and other requirements. Thank you.
This is my email address: puihwa78@yahoo.com
I love your cupcake designs. My son will be having his full moon on the 13 th of January 2013. Can I have your price list for your full moon packages? Please contact me at yellowmagnet@ gmail.com
Hi, may i have your price list and fullmoon packages? Please email me @ cheemeilin@gmail.com. Tq.
hi. i would like to order for my bb full month. :) pls send me your full price list to my email.
any delivery supply and any minimum order ??
my email is isabelleyee@gmail.com
Hi, I'm interested in ordering the full moon cup cakes sets. My email is fion_hew@yahoo.com
Hi. Will be having my bb girl full moon early feb. do let me hv your package deals n price list. My email is at sockpio@hotmail.com thanks
Hi, I'm interested in ordering the full moon package sets. May i have your completed price list together with the term & conditions for delivery.
Send me your pricelist at gigiehow@gmail.com. tq
please send the price for full moon package sets. Especially
for 2 cupcakes, 2 angkus & 2 red eggs package at jess_lcy@yahoo.com, thx
Please send me the price list for 4 cupcakes to jaslyn.shh@gnail.com
Thank you!
hi, my baby will be deliver on Sep'13, so can you send me the price list for reference? Any min quantity order? How about the delivery? How long can be keep for the cupcakes? Please advised. My email is olmeow_nqs@yahoo.com
Can u pls send me your price list for fullmoon package pls, thanks
Pls send me the full moon package n price list, thanks! Kathryncmy.81@gmail.com
Pls send me full moon package at rachel.foo@kvc.com.my
Hi, Can I have the price list of the fullmoon cupcake package?
my baby is going to have fullmoon on early of May, how long the prior notice to be given? Thanks. my email is shiauling1437@gmail.com
Hi can u send me the price list the full moon cupcake package. I may want to put either 2 angus & 2 cupcake in a box or 4 cupcakes in a box. Is there any min order for each design and any delivery charge. Thanks. My email is picaz2002@yahoo.com
Hi can you send me the full moon package and price list to hendry85@hotmail.com. where is yr delivery area. thanks
Hi. Please send the full moon packages price list to nsaym78@yahoo.com. Thanks
Hi can you please email me the price of d fullmoon package and I wonder do you also do tarts? My email is everlyn5675@yahoo.com
Hi.. can you please email me the price list to my email at aithian_90@hotmail.com. looking forward from your reply. Thanks.
Hi...I wud like to enquire your price list for 2 cupcakes, 2 ang koo kuih & 2 egss? can u pls email to bambee73@gmail.com. Looking forward for your reply.
Hi, I'm interested on the cup cakes for full moon celebration. Can you sent me the price list and package for full moon available? My email contact htkoay5065@gmail.com
Hi, Can send me the price list for 2 cupcakes (no coloring), 2 ang koo kuih, 2 eggs, One pack of cookies (if possible)?
Email to quanny21@hotmail.com
Hi, am interested in birthday cupcakes for kids, 25 pax. Can you email me ur contact to honeybee078@gmail.com. Thx
Hi,I am interested on the 25minis and 4pcs per box cupcakes for baby fullmoon. Can u pls email me the price list? my email address is smallpapaya@gmail.com. tq
Hi. I am interested on fullmoon packages. Pls email me the price. Thx. My email : gleen_0816@yahoo.com.au
I'm interest in full moon package for my baby girl. Can u please send me de package price list? My email is geline_ben@hotmail.com thanks
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